Mykel Alvis I Engineering Manager I Software Engineer I DevOps Practioner and Consultant
Jeremy Wood I Product-Focused Technolgy Leader I Fintech I Healthcare I Logistics
Mikhail I Leader I Engineer I Organizer I Learner
Moderated by Robin Hunt | Data Junkie I Star Wars Fan I Entrepreneur I Author
Co-hosts: DEPLOY + Alloy Digital
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | Happy Hour w/complimentary beer & pizza from Pizza Grace
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm | What the Hell is Devops?
TECHS AND THE CITY + DEPLOY were founded by a band of entrepreneurs and tech talent to create a community where everyone in the tech ecosystem can get better at what they do by sharing knowledge, resources, and opportunities.
Join us to discover the latest trends, gain expert insights, and expand your network in a casual, supportive, and friendly environment.
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Thanks to our primary sponsor, Nibuild
September 10th 5:30-8:00