Full event details and RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-reach-the-most-valuable-resource-in-your-organization-tickets-812437822397?aff=oddtdtcreator
RamLea Partners are dynamic business leaders with 20+ years of experience and success. Their unwavering commitment is to reach toward the most valuable resource within an organization: the human spirit. RamLea's initiative not only develops heightened self-awareness, both professionally and personally, but also yields exponential growth.
This is driven by intentional connections, which we cleverly term as "Connection Growth." Join us at Forge in The Pizitz for this free Lunch & Learn. This is a great way to kick of the New Year looking at yourself first and then how you can apply these principles to your team in order to create a vibrant team culture!
**Lunch is provided!!